Chinese menu Design
Brand Identity, Digital Design
ロゴ付きのミニマリストスタイルのデザインは、さまざまな分野でのブランドの商用アプリケーションに適しています。 グラフィック全体のバランスにこだわったデザインです。 「K」の文字のイメージを拡張し、曲線と直線を組み合わせて「Carve」のコンセプトを伝え、メインロゴの傾きが躍動感とファッション性を高めています。
The minimalist style design with logo is suitable for the commercial application of the brand in different fields. The design pays attention to the balance of the overall graphic. The extension of the image of the letter "K", the combination of curves and straight lines is interspersed to convey the concept of "Carve", and the tilt of the main logo enhances the sense of dynamism and fashion.
The text design uses a minimalist style of thin text without serifs. The slope of the font echoes the slope of the vertical line in the LOGO, which strengthens the visual characteristics of the brand and enhances the overall visual unity.
ロゴ付きのミニマリストスタイルのデザインは、さまざまな分野でのブランドの商用アプリケーションに適しています。 グラフィック全体のバランスにこだわったデザインです。 「K」の文字のイメージを拡張し、曲線と直線を組み合わせて「Carve」のコンセプトを伝え、メインロゴの傾きが躍動感とファッション性を高めています。
The minimalist style design with logo is suitable for the commercial application of the brand in different fields. The design pays attention to the balance of the overall graphic. The extension of the image of the letter "K", the combination of curves and straight lines is interspersed to convey the concept of "Carve", and the tilt of the main logo enhances the sense of dynamism and fashion.
The text design uses a minimalist style of thin text without serifs. The slope of the font echoes the slope of the vertical line in the LOGO, which strengthens the visual characteristics of the brand and enhances the overall visual unity.
English & Japanese menu cover Design
Resteraunt supplies Design
Work: Design and Typography
Art Director:Huang xin
Designer: Zhao yan.
Location: Tokyo
Date: 2022