Investment consulting
Hospitality Management

Kochi & Fugu
In the heart of the Tamamatsu-en Hotel in Izu Toi, Japan, time intertwines with space, and history melds with modernity. The two distinctive rooms, fugu and kouchi, resonate harmoniously as chapters of history and poems of contemporary design. The hotel is not merely a place of stay; it stands as a testament to the locale's cultural heritage, with every brick and tile echoing tales of yore. Against this rich tapestry, our design vision was to rejuvenate its age-old charm with a touch of contemporary flair.
kouchiのデザインは、伝統的な和のスイートにインスピレーションを受けています。私たちは巧みに和風の扉を使って空間をいくつかのセクションに分け、各セクションが独自の機能と魅力を持つようにしました。広 々とした和風のリビングルームは、ホテルの特色を反映しているだけでなく、多くのゲストのニーズを満たすスペースでもあります。バルコニーエリアは絵のフレームのようで、四季の変化する風景がその中のアートワークとなり、毎日ゲストに異なるビジュアルのフィーストを提供します。家具の選択において、私たちは特にヴィンテージなフレンチスタイルのダークブラウンとブラックの木製家具を選び、ヨーロッパのロマンティックなムードと日本の伝統的な美学を完璧に組み合わせました。
Kouchi draws inspiration from the traditional Japanese suite. Ingeniously using Japanese doors, we segmented the space, each with its unique function and allure. The expansive Japanese-style living room stands not just as a highlight of the hotel but as a versatile space catering to multiple guests. The balcony serves as a canvas, with the ever-changing seasons painting a different picture every day. For the furniture, we deliberately opted for retro French furniture in deep brown and black, elevating the room's ambiance and seamlessly melding European romanticism with Japanese aesthetics.

Fugu, on the other hand, presented a design challenge brimming with creativity. While the original "L" shaped corridor added a distinct character, we envisioned enhancing its functionality. Retaining the traditional tatami style, we infused modern elements like the grey furniture by the window, striking a balance between traditional warmth and modern minimalism.

In essence, the design of fugu and kouchi is a profound exploration into the confluence of tradition and modernity, a harmonious blend of history and the present, aiming to offer guests an experience rich in historical depth yet brimming with contemporary comfort.